April 22

#3 Tech Post

Today in technology class we were learning about our galaxy and atoms. Atoms make up our world and everything else. When we look up in the sky, the stars we see are only the stars in our galaxy, The Milky-way. We learned that a ray of light will travel 6 billion miles in one year. Our galaxy is 120,000 light years across. It is already 1000 light years thick. We have 400,000,000,000 stars in our galaxy. There are close to 100,000,000,000 galaxies. When you look very closely in the sky, you’ll see little discs, which look like stars, that are actually galaxies.

Atoms are the most smallest piece of matter. It is not invisible, but in order to see one, you have to look with a microscope. We only know 118 different atoms, which is in the periodic table.