Newsletter #1 Estimation Jar

On Friday the 13th, it was math day at heathcote school. The Principle, Maria Style went around to each classroom with the estimation jar. The estimation jar was filled with pumpkin erasers. Class 5-C had a brilliant strategy to win.

5-C had counted the bottom which was about 90 erasers and there were about 15 layers to the top. They multiplied 90 by 15 to get 1,450. They were confident about their answer until, two students in 5-C named Sarina Mehta and Naomi Fisher pointed out that our teacher made a careless mistake on the estimation jar and that the real answer was 1,350! 5-C joked about it because they all said what if the real answer was close to 1,350. Half of the class was a little disappointed, one eighth of the class was super angry but the rest didn’t care. An hour after submitting their answer they said the real answer was… one thousand, three hundred, forty. 5-C all screamed no. Mrs. Edwards 5th grade class won with a count of 1,380. 5-C came in second with 1,450 they were all okay with the results though.

5-C learned that you always have to check your work! 🙂

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