Making our Flashlights!

In July a soccer team from Thailand got stuck in a cave after their game. They were exploring in the cave, when a monsoon struck outside. Inside the cave it was pitch black. Our task was to design a flashlight that was waterproof. We had to use the materials that are local to the people in Thailand. All we could use were PVC pipes, wires, a switch, a battery, and an LED light. First we needed to map out our design on a diagram. It had to be drawn to scale. Once we got the diagram approved, we could saw our PVC pipes to fit our design. The sawing was hard because the saw kept getting stuck in the pipe. As we each finished, we could make holes in the pipe. The holes were for the switch and light. That was pretty easy because the drill press did all the work. Finally we soldered the wires to the battery, the switch, and the light. That was the final step.

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