Tests confirm source of coronavirus outbreak in China

scientists in China’s Center For disease Control think that the corona virus started in the Huanan Seafood Market. This market sold a variety of live animals such as pups, rats, fox, and more. these animals were slaughtered which first resulted in the virus spreading. even though the meat/animal section was divided in a place away from the produce it was still cross contaminated . These scientists believe that the virus is highly relevant to the trading of wild animals. in a result schools in china will be closed until this virus is contained, and the Chinese lunar year celebrations have been postponed.

I believe that In order to fix or contain this outbreak market sellers should have taken much more precaution in what they’re selling and how they’re selling it. this is especially important when it is in winter when viruses and sickness are prone to spread and cause greta havoc. this means that if the market had been taking extra precautions in they’re products this virus would hav never started in the first place. Finally I believe that this market place in wuhan should not be able to sell anymore animal related products, but still be able to sell other products such as produce of such.

by: shady saleh