Blog post 5/28

I definitely would take the extra mile to lower the left plastic and styrofome on the ground. Because then again it does end up being waste if not recycled so why wouldn’t you just find where to put them and put them there. Personally it would be a bit of a hassle to get it done during quarantine but when it’s all over my family should start doing that. It helps the environment and can even be reused instead of wasting it and it ending up on the ground for years waiting to get decomposed. It’s a win win situation if you go the extra mile with recycling and I’m willing to go for.

Blog post 5/14/2020

One thing I am terribly fascinated in is modern day technology and how easy our ancestors have made life for us. Think about it about a century ago people weren’t texting each other on Snapchat or iMessage they were forced to talk in person. Now get me straight there is nothing wrong with that but technology just gave us a much easier option that saves a lot of time. In addition online services such as amazon and other big companies are now delivering their services. Yesterday I had all of my groceries sent to my door step within days, this is especially important seeing that we are in a pandemic and that getting the groceries ourselves will put us at risk apt contracting the virus.

Blog post 5/7

When people harvest trees they have to abide by a certain set of rules to conserve earths natural materials. One of which is to protect small, medium, and large fish streams. I think that they always have to protect the animals all around the site so they do not harvest the trees at an animals life’s cost. In Addison they also have rules on replanting the trees they harvest. The rule goes as follows “ they are required to leave two live trees standing and two downed trees per acre of clearcut harvest. I think that this is a very good way to maintain the trees on the earth whilst still getting our raw materials that we need so it’s a win win situation.

Blog 4/30

In my experience boys most of the time are more outgoing than girls and aren’t as embarrassed to speak up. Again this isn’t for everyone this is just in my opinion. On the other hand while I’m not a girl I think this is their point of view. I think they are hesitant to talk about somthing they are having trouble with in front of their friends in fear of being embarrassed or feeling less than the rest of their friends. Again I do not mean to offfend anyone by doing this blog.