Rube Goldberg post 4

We had our 4th meeting on February 13th. We wanted to add another step because we thought we didn’t have enough. We decided to add a marble track right before the reverse ramp step. The reverse ramp is a step where a track is balancing on a domino but one side is heavier. But we add a domino at the end of the lighter side of the ramp so that side becomes heavier. Then when the ball hits the domino the domino falls of the ramp. Because the domino is not there anymore the other side is heavier and it tilts the other way. But because we added a marble track at the end of it we would have to have so way of triggering the ping pong ball to go onto the reverse ramp. So at the end of the track we added a ramp that was holding itself from the marble track. But we added a little ridge on the ramp to keep the ping pong ball from going. So what was supposed to happen was that the marble hits the ping pong ball on to the track, but the ramp was the close the the exit that the marble could not come out. But the vibration from the marble hitting the ramp ended up moving the ping pong ball anyway. By the end of the meting I wasn’t very satisfied about the new step but I decided to role with it anyway.

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