Rube Goldberg #4

After we finished designing the machine, we started building it. It was hard. The first step we needed to build a tall starting point and that took thirty minutes. It was hard to figure what materials to use and how much tape to use. It was also hard to know how tall to build it. We were able to build it because we got help from my brother and my partner’s mom.  Building the rest of the machine was easier because we didn’t have to use tape or homemade materials like we needed for the first step.


After we built the machine, we started trying to make it work. It didn’t work until the 12th attempt. In some steps we had too many dominoes. Or in one step, we didn’t have the right type of material. Balls that we needed for the project were too light so we switched and we made changes. All of our changes were changing materials. We did not change any of the design.


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