Rube Goldberg #6

My overall experience with Rube Goldberg was enjoyable. I learned so much more about Rube Goldberg than I knew about before. When I went to camp and we did Rube Goldberg machines, we did small machines, like 3 steps. I had never done 8 or more steps before. That required a lot more work. At camp, the materials were already there for us. At home we had to buy materials and find materials. Also, at camp, all you did was make the machine. You didn’t have to design or verify the steps before building. At school, we had to make and design 8 verified steps.


What I liked about Rube Goldberg was how fun it was – it was not a boring school project. I liked building the machine and trying to make it work. I also thought that working with a partner would be better than working solo. With a partner, you can get more work done with two people doing different things at the same time. My partner was a good partner because he did his share of the work and we didn’t fight about the ideas we wanted. In conclusion, me and my partner’s Rube Goldberg machine did pretty well because it worked on the 12th attempt. And if you are interested here’s our video:


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