Rocketry Reflection

I thought that going into this rocketry unit it would not be super fun. We first started with a challenge that Ms. Robert gave to us this challenge was hard but once we finished it gave me a big morale boost. Then we started making our inspiration board where we had to put our rocketry skills to the test, we studied Isaac Newtown and his three laws of motion. We made our rocket short and fat we chose that because then it would have more weight and if it was windy it wouldn’t blow over and move as much. The jobs for launch one were Theo – pump, Leo – video, Chloe – launcher, Katie – the countdown. We launched our first launch was 28.5 meters in the air. If I could change anything I would change the nose cone and that is what we ended up doing. Launch 2 jobs Theo – launcher, Leo – video, – Chloe – countdown, Katie – pump. Our second launch was 27.5. We went lower our change did not do a lot. Here is my video, I hope you enjoy.