Colonial America – pt2 – Persona

My name Sir Ved Response III, I am 14 years old. I am the youngest of three children, so when my father died my brothers took all the riches, that’s why I came to the new world (To start New Foursten) using my last savings I had. I decided to come to the Middle Colonies because I heard that in the south they had a lot of slaves, and I figured that in the Middle Colonies it would be easier to take away slavery. I like the job trader because my dad was a trader back at home, and I always wanted to be as successful as him.

Colonial America – Pt 1 – Overveiw

In class we are doing a group project on colonial America where we are becoming colonist’s and we have jobs and we have a charter because we are making a colony! My job is a trader that represents New Foursten (our colony) in trading with other colony. For this project we don’t have very many rules set by our teacher we are doing every bit of this project, and there are no rules that we have to follow when making our charter and maps. I also think it is nice to be able to make our own decisions about our learning and study what interests us without too many directions.