Passion Project #3

Our class had library, I instantly knew what I was searching for, a book to help me learn more about my passion project. I only found 2 books although they both help. I am almost done with my slideshow, and I can not wait to show all of you guys! My next slide is showing all of my questions to use during the interview. Thank you cant wait to show you more!-Very Vanessa

Book Partner ships Cupcake Cousins Jot #2

I am reading a book called cupcake cousins and I am reading it with my partner Spencer. I found a part in this book that  really stood out for me. If you will like to read what I thought just look what I put down below:
page 56
I could really envision when the author explained ” Just a few hours ago before midnight the rain was pelting of the roof of the tent.”, I imagined I was in the tent hearing the drops of water hitting the tent one by one by one. I really feel like i was there and I am not just saying that I actually do feel like I am there.