Capstone #2

I have started to find some resources and doing some presearch. As I was doing my work I remembered all the databases and books that there are in my school library! A very common database that I use is BrainPop, which is where you look up a topic and it shows you a video related to the topic, the characters are animated and one of them is a robot which makes kids more interested to watch the videos. I also have two books I found. One of the books is called “The Little Book of Mindfulness” the other one is called “Peaceful Piggy Meditation” both of the two books are instructions for when you meditate yourself/ a group.

thanks for reading,

Very Vanessa

Passion Project #2

This project is super fun to work on, except when it starts to get tricky. It’s tricky trying to find resources especially helpful ones. Its going to be tricky when I have to get all the materials: finding out where to get them, etc. Enough talking about the tricky stuff, the fun stuff is even better! It is super cool finding photos of people rock climbing its also so fun when you get to climb. Its super cool watching all the different strategies all the different people use. It is cool to see how many people have interest in climbing like myself! Anyway cant wait to climb my “giant wall”.


talk to you later,
