Monthly Archives: March 2016

Debate #1 and 2

We did 2 debates. Both were on the same topic. Our topic was that should orca shows be banned? Me and Max think so. Meena and Jackson say yes. Actually, they say no but they had to do it only for the debate…. I think that  our 2nd debate was way better than the 1st one. In the 1st one, I was nervous, and I said ‘um’ a lot. In the 2nd one, I wasn’t nervous. What we did to prepare was that we did mini debates. We had to know what order to go to .Person A had to tell our 1st reason for 3 minutes. Then Person B counter for 1 minute and tells the 1st reason for 3 minutes. Person C does the same things and tells the 2nd reason. Person D tells the 3rd reason and person A tells the conclusion. It was really confusing. Here are the videos:

This is the 1st one:
Here is the 2nd one:

T.F.K World changing events 2016

Today, we got a T.F.K and we had to read it. We had to think what was  the most world changing article. One article I thought that would change the world was the one about girls getting education. I think it was world changing because it lot of girls didn’t get education and now they were. It also was very unfair to think that some people couldn’t get education because they were poor. Another thing that was sad was that if parents had the money for education,but choose to not have them go. In Africa, a girl is meant to do house hold chores, get married and have some kids.They think that education is a big waste of money. 55% of girls are not enrolled in secondary school. That is why I think that it is the most world changing article.

Video conference with NASA

We had a video conference with a woman named Rachel Powers (who worked in NASA!), and she told us that NASA would send a rocket into space, and all the parts that would fall of, they would reuse it. They will do that tonight! (12/21/2015) It was really fun! 

Writing Non-Fiction Piece

I wrote my non-fiction piece on India. We made it on Microsoft Word. I didn’t like to research it, but I thought that it was fun to ‘decorate’ it. I liked the idea that you can personalize it.  I made mine really colorful. I didn’t want it to be really dark. I like bright colors. It was kind of confusing how we had to format it, but it was fine.


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Westward Expansion unit

We had a westward expansion unit in school. We had to get assigned to a topic and we had to make a game for it. Our group was Going to make Jeprody. We asked people some questions to people and they answered it for a certin amount of amount points. Our group was me, Ben Julia and Jonny. We did it on the homestead act. In the homestead act alot of people mowed west. They had to deal with a lot of hardships. Did you know that they had to only 5 years or older to move? You also had to pay a $10 fee. You would live in a house made out of  mud. It was called soddy houses. Weird name, right?

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