The Diary of a Young Girl By Anne Frank

“The first thing I put in was this diary, then hair curlers, handkerchiefs, schoolbooks, a comb, old letters; I put in the craziest things with the idea that we were going into hiding. But I’m not sorry, memories mean more to me than dresses.” Wednesday, 8 July 1942, pg. 12

This quote is significant because it shows the importance of the smaller, simpler things in life, and how things that seem ordinary to one person can have a deeper meaning to another. The possessions that Anne valued and took into hiding were the items that she believed would provide her with the most comfort in the days ahead, which she sensed would not be easy.  This quote makes clear how Anne prioritized her belongings, and foreshadows how important these items would become to her over the course of her difficult journey.  She had the forethought to know that she would very much want to capture her thoughts during the time of her captivity, realizing even at her young age that her own words were important and could sustain her when things seemed bleak and without end.  This quote really stands out and makes Anne different because girls her age are often most concerned with their looks, fashions, and being able to dress up as a way to reflect their personalities.  Anne, however, shows maturity far beyond her years when she shows the reader how much she values words and the memories they no doubt evoke.  Anne makes the reader understand that it is the emotions and the feelings that her belongings symbolize that matter far more to Anne than simple material goods such as clothes. In life, it is not the monetary value that matters most, but rather the mental, psychological, and emotional support that items can provide to us in our time of need.

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