Rube Goldberg #6

Me and Matthew got it to work. Attempt #4 was very close and we ended up getting it to work on attempt #6. The part that was troubling us the most was the second step where the marble had to fall and hit the ball. And then when the ball would fall it would pull a hook down which pulls a string away which releases the zipline. Our first few steps are very complicated. Then it starts to get a little easier but it is still complicated. The zipline hits a block which pulls away another block which releases the truck down a ramp which pulls a piece of paper away which releases a marble down the marble maze. It starts to get easier from there. Once we got our success we put it into our WeVideo which included our fails and what we did over the process of our Rube Goldberg. Here is the video of  it:



One Comment

  1. I love how you included how many attempts until you got your success. I also like how you included your final success, so I could finally see what all of your hard work made.

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