Isaac Newtons First Law of Motion: Inertia

This year in 5th grade we are doing rocketry, and our wonderful teacher Mrs. Boyer told us that in order to do rocketry we must know about Isaac Newton and his three laws of motion. So tonight I was doing research specifically on the first law, Inertia. Inertia is basically a object that will move in the direction it was facing (if it was in motion, but I’ll explain that later) unless a second object somehow cause the object to change motion.  Balanced and Unbalanced forces can be very important, because lets imagine that there is a soccer ball, gravity is willing it to stay in the same place but then a second force has to push it, like a foot that kicks the ball then the balls soars in the air then hits the goal, that shows Unbalanced forces because the foot/the second motion is obviously stronger that gravity because it willed the ball/object to be in motion, and the gravity is weaker because it failed to keep the ball/object still.

Thank you for reading!

Sources: Pebble Go Next

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