My Interesting Saturday – Part 2

So the lecture was finally finished then everybody was split into to groups and we where going with a tour guide to tour the school and stuff. So we finally got arranged and we went away with our tour guide we toured basically part of the school and the tour guide was talking about stuff I didn’t care about and didn’t bother to hear anyways. So we got to the apartments that Freshmens would live in, and he explained that Sophomores and Seniors could move into small houses on campus and you could also rent a car if your major requires you to leave campus. And the apartments looked very comfartable and warm (esecially since it was freezing outside) then we got to this memorial about how like thirty students died because of a really famous bombing that I can’t even remember (haha). You also have to understand that their school mascot was a orange (I know right? Weird) and while the tour guide was talking at the memorial and I’m not even kidding this guy dressed in the orange mascot literally scootered down the street and it was like the most hilarious thing ever ’cause you don’t normally just see a orange scootering down a street and plus, he was also attracting a lot of stares (school spirit!). So we finally got to the end of the tour and I was so glad I came running to the car and when my mom unlocked the car I literally just jumped in glad to have some warmth and that I didn’t have to walk anymore (I know, I’m lazy) then we just happily drove home. That was basically how I spent my Saturday! Bye

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