Rube Goldberg #2 Sketching and Materials


We immediately started planning out our Rube Goldberg. It took about three recesses to figure out our whole plan. Some main problems were that our original plan was to plain and only had jenga blocks and balls, so we wanted to improve that and make it more fun, that took us about 2 hours in total to decide but another problem was that on the chart it said that we should atleast have 8 steps in our project. But we could only come up with 5 steps. It took about 2 recesses to finally fix that problem and in the end we had 9 steps. Jessica originally wanted 13 steps but I told her there was no way we were doing 13 steps because we couldn’t even do 8 steps but then when she found out how hard it was to come up with extra steps she didn’t even complain when I said that 9 steps would be enough.


Our teacher told us that having way more materials than we needed was better than having no materials. Jessica thought really deeply of that so when we were looking for materials. A problem appeared between us. She wanted to take way to many materials that couldn’t possibly be useful for our project so I told her that we didn’t need them but she insisted that we get some, but I wouldn’t budge so we kept on arguing. But in the end everything worked out and we took theĀ appropriateĀ materials that we needed.

(Good bye this is the second part of the Rube Goldberg project so there will be a third.)

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