Tech Post:#3

Today in class we started off with doing a simulation where we sucked all the electrons from a sweater onto a balloon and Mr. Calvert started talking about lightning storms and clouds. He explained that electrons go from the bottom of a cloud to a top of the cloud which means that a lot of lightning happens in the clouds and that we just don’t see it. We then started talking about atoms again and talking about what were inside them. After that we watched a quick video actually answering the question. We learned from the video that the center of nitrogen atoms have a nucleus, and that atoms are mostly made of neutrons, electrons, and protons. It also talked about the number of protons determine the type of atom. After we finished the video and reviewed everything we learned. We visited a website called Ptable which was an interactive periodic table. Finally, for the rest of the period we just played a game called Bond Breaker.

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