Six Word Story

Hi everyone, how is your vacation going?

My class and I had a homework over winter break. We had to write a six word story(A story that uses only six words) about our favorite part about the break. Sounds fun, right? This is my six word story!

I got a awesome Google Pixel!!


img_0610Found my present.






img_0611Let’s see what is inside.







It’s a Google Pixel, a screen protecter and a case with my dog’s pic on it.






img_0615 Opening Google Pixel!!







Thank you, Santa!

Thank you for reading!


Narrative 1

Inside My Brother’s Closet

Yuki Matsuoka

“Bam,” I slam the door of my brother’s closet shut. Inside the closet it was dark and scary as his face.  Already I could imagine myself being beat up by Koki. I was cold and scared. I wished that I could leave this creepy closet but I couldn’t because I could see the big big shadow coming closer and closer to his room. When I looked through the little hole that gave me little light it always made my heart rate go up.

“Happy Birth Day to you…,” everyone cheered and laughed and sang Happy Birthday song expect myself.  My eye was stuck and staring at the present, I was desperate to see what was inside the box that was even taller than my dad. “Time to open the presents,” my mom called.” I rushed to get to the living room leaving the bathroom behind, being mad. “I told her not to open the presents tillI I go out from the bathroom” I thought. Again I was blaming someone else even though I knew it was all my fault that I wasn’t there when my brother opened the presents.

I got there but it was too late. I begged and begged to see or to know what was inside the box till my mouth dried and nothing else could come out from my mouth, but the answer always was a big fat “No.”Later my mom told me not to go to his  room to look at it even though she knew i was going to sneak into his room. I had my chance I sneaked into his room and slammed  opened the closet and saw what was inside the box. I smiled till I heard the loud footsteps coming.

“Bam,” the door of the room opened. I froze like a ice. I was shaking and my face I could guess that my face turned blue. I could see him inside the room. My heart was beating loudly, then his face turned to the closet. I could see him smile not a happy smile it was a evil smile. Now my heart was beating crazy. I thought of how if I had listened to my mom this wouldn’t happened. Like when my mom when she told me not to lock the door but I did so my dad couldn’t get into the house. For the first time I understood. “Bam” the door opened. “No,” I  yelled…..  He threw me on his bed looking angry he beat me up, but he looks surprised after few punches because I didn’t fight back like I always did. Soon he grabbed me and threw me on my bed and the thunderstorm was over, but I was angry not to my brother or to mom but to myself. I punched my my bed and pillow. When I went out from my room I said sorry to everyone that I and my blaming seasons were over.