Helping Mount Vernon Children

Hi guys. My class and I (Fox Meadow fifth grade) have been raising money by doing a tie dye sale and doing a bake sale. We have raised $3,000. Also, we have one more exciting thing that is coming up. On February 24th and 25th  (over February break), we are having a huge charity tag sale at Saint James the Less Church in Scarsdale with several former Fox Meadow students that will help us out. We hope to make $5000-$8000. We are going to use the money to send kids from Mount Vernon to summer camp. We have been doing this for several years.


Last year we were on News 12, and if you want to watch it go to:


If you are interested and want more information go to

Or if you want to help in any way, please contact Mr. Besancon at

Tea Cup Poodles

OMG, I love tea cup poodles. I have one and had one before that one. I just love them. Miniature teacup poodle can fit in the palm of your hand. And the special thing about them is that they are going to stay that size for the rest of their lives. They are really smart (they are the second smartest dog breed in the world), so they are easy to train. They were bred in France and meant to be a water hunting dog, but they are so adorable. Here are some pics of it.

Misunderstood Pit bulls and the amazing kiah

Hi guys, I asked people “What is the first thing you think of when you hear Pit Bulls,” and most of the people said mean, dangerous, and vicious. I strongly disagree, sure they might have killed few people but haven’t we (Human) killed more pit bulls than they killed us (Yes). Also it turns out that Pit Bulls that killed a person was often illegally trained to fight which made them aggressive. If you still disagree with me, there is a one amazing story about a Pit Bull named Kiah. Kiah was first found wondering behind Texas Convenience and brought to a shelter with a serious injury on her head. It turns out that she was hit in the head with a hammer by her owner. At the shelter, she recovered with a serious vet care. Workers at the shelter say that “She had a loving personality and was loved by everyone she met.” After about 9 months in the shelter, she had a once in a life-time opportunity, Brad Croft, director of Universal K9 and has trained hundreds of dogs to become law enforcement and military dogs. When he came to Kirby Animal Shelter, he decided to give a chance to Kiah. After about 5 months of training, she started working for Poughkeepsie Police Department in NY helping his handler Justin Bruzgul detect drugs and bombs. Soon after she earned Prestigious Public Service Award Form American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty to Animals. I hope you have changed your mind about Pit Bulls!!

Pictures of Kiah


Six ward stories 2: Ellis Island

What’s up everyone, I was amazed and inspired by the photographs I saw at Ellis Island and I’m going to do some six word story about it.

1. Got off boat, saw the castle.

2. Funny for them, not for us.

3. Going back, fear in my heart.


4. Too many people, I can’t sleep.

5. On boat, wake up, see America.

6. Wake up, see the golden land.

7. Going to America, fear and joy.

8. Free land, is it worth money.

9. The great statue, welcoming the immigrants

9. New country, can’t understand a word.

10. kids and adults, fear in heart

11. Church on fire, family all gone

12. Village burned down, lost my house

Mind Blowing!!

What’s up guys! Today I typed about what was mind blowing to me. I hope it would do the same to you!!

Did you know a dog can have more than 17 jobs? I will list all of the jobs I know. Dvd sniffing dog, arson detecting dogs, body sniffing dogs, canine detecting dogs, termite detecting dogs, snake detecting dogs, truffle sniffer dogs (Japan), bed bug sniffing dogs, guide dogs, police dogs, hearing dogs, rescue dogs, drug sniffing dogs, military dogs, search and rescue dogs, water rescue dogs and ski patrol dogs. That is all I know, if you know any other jobs that dogs have please send me a comment so I can add on this blog.

Thank you for reading!!