2017 Winter Games

Today (Feb, 14) was the last day of the Winter Games. Μy team (west) came in third place but I know we tried our best and that is the most important thing.. Overall the three things I enjoyed the most was curling, hand ball, and teamwork/sportsmanship we, the West had in the Winter Games. First curling was so fun. Before I did this, I have not heard about the sport curling ever in my life before the Winter Games. It was so fun learning about the history and even trying it out for the first time, I scored the first goal in the house. I loved it, and I am hoping that I can do it again soon. Second I loved handball because I personally think my team and I worked really well together. We also crushed this year’s camp the East  7 ~ 1 (I was playing goalie 3/4 of the game and when I was doing offense ¼, I put the ball in the back of the net 4 times and when I was not in the goal the other team scored). I think the first goal (Which was scored by me) changed the mood of our team, everyone in the team got to touch the ball before scoring and most importantly everyone was happy and had confidence against the East and I scored it. Lastly I enjoyed the winter games because my team and I communicated and worked together as a team. There were many things that I thought was was unfair to me mostly, and my team/other teams. Although I did not complain once and that it why I think we got the most sportsmanship points, I am really proud of that. After all, the Winter Games was very, very fun and if I could do it again, I will and hope we will win. But the most important thing is that we tried our best.