Capstone Step #1 Now What??

For this category, I will be telling you the process I went through with my capstone project. 1 month ago, I had to choose a topic for a year-ending research, Capstone. (Capstone is a year-ending project that all Scarsdale 5th graders have to do). I didn’t struggle as much as some of the other kids in my class to pick a topic. I ended up choosing Police Dog Handler and Universal k-9 for my topic.

It was easy for me to pick a topic because I have done a project before capstone about Police Dog and I found a inspiring organization called Universal K-9, they saved a dog named Kia, the story of Kiah is down below. (Universal K-9 is a non-profit organization that rescues dogs from shelters to become law-enforcement dogs). Also I got interested in Police Dog Handlers when I was studying about Police Dog. I had a topic that I love, but now what…..





Story Of Kiah 

Pit Bull named Kiah is one of the most famous and inspiring k-9. Kiah works for Poughkeepsie Police Department in NY and is the first pitbull police dog in Ny. She was a shelter dog, she was first found wandering behind Texas Convenience and brought to a shelter with a serious injury on her bloody head. It turned out that she was hit in the head with a hammer by her owner. At the shelter, she recovered with a serious vet care. Shelter workers at the shelter loved her, they said that “She had a loving personality and was loved by everyone she met.” After about 9 months in the shelter, she had a once in a life-time opportunity. Shelter workers noticed that Kiah had extreme drive (Dogs that have extreme drive is perfect for police dogs because they are willing to do anything), so they called Brad Croft, Brad Croft has trained hundreds of dogs to become law enforcement and military dogs and he is the founder of Universal K-9 (Universal k-9 is a nonprofit and it still exist for saving dogs to become a law enforcement dog.) When he came to Kirby Animal Shelter, he decided to give a chance to Kiah. After about 10 weeks of training, Justin Bruzgul, officer at Poughkeepsie Police Department in Ny came to take a look at kiah, he felt a special connection with her so he brought her home. Now Kiah helps her handler Justin Bruzgul detect drugs and bombs and is one of the 12 dogs that successfully graduated from Universal k-9. She earned a Prestigious Public Service Award Of 2016 From the American Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals.



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