Blog post #4

What I didn’t know happened in the past is the fact that the scientists send a petition to the president. This petition was requesting the US president, Henry Truman, to not use an atomic bomb on Japan. I didn’t know about that they did this, so I wanted to research a little bit. The petition is called the Szilárd petition and it was signed in 1945 by Leo Szilard and 69 other scientists who were working on the Manhattan project at Chicago. Sadly, this petition was not even seen by the President or the Secretary of the War, so the launching of the atomic bomb didn’t stop.

The reason why I chose to write about the petition is not just because I didn’t know about this, it is because this was really important to Christian. This petition decided how he could feel about his great grandfather when he was one of the scientists to make the bomb. Before knowing about the petition, he couldn’t feel completely proud of him because of the fact that he helped the country kill thousands of people. But now that he knows that GG Will was against it, he could feel very proud of him. He realized that GG Will at least tried and he wasn’t one of those person who didn’t care about killing people. Also, this was one of the reasons that he wanted to come to Japan. To really know what happened in 1945. So he feels great that his great grandpa wasn’t a bad person.

This petition also shows that having a friend is great. The reason why is because Carson was the one that found out that there was a petition. Christian said ”the best-best friend a guy could ever have, had given me the reason to be proud again of my Great-great grandpa.” He says that Carson is the best person who he could have, and that he was a big part of finding out who GG Will was.

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