Drip Drop Softball.

  Drip Drop Softball

         Narrative One

    By Zoe Rabinowitz


The day was Tuesday. “Are you four the only kids who came to practice?” asked Scags. 


“Yes”  We all said proudly.


“Maybe later I will give you candy for being, the only kids who came.” said Scags. Loren, Maya, Jaden, and I were the only kids who had shown up to softball practice because it had rained all day and it was supposed to rain while we played and boy it did, but that comes later so just pretend I didn’t say anything about rain. Me and Loren were playing two vs two against Jaden and Maya, not that it matters, but Loren and I were winning…


“Good hit” 


“Scags pass!” I yelled. 


“Good catch Zoe.” said Jaden. I had just gotten Jaden out mainly because Scags has a good arm and fast reflexes and not because I’m really good at catching the ball but, I am pretty good at catching the ball.  Drip drop drip drop drip drop drip drop, was what we heard as the clear wet drops of rain pitter pattered upon us. 


“Isn’t that beauti-.”


“Run under the trees girls!” screamed Scags interrupting me. When he said that we all bolted and laughed. 


“This is fun” I shoughted. While we were laughing, talking, playing, and having fun Scags was gathering up our heavy, metal equipment in the pouring rain.


  “They should come help me.” Scags muttered under his breath. Even though Scags didn’t seem to be having fun we definitely were.


  “Can we have candy?” said Jaden very nonchalantly.


  “Not the time JayDog” screamed Scags who was getting poured on. JayDog is Scag’s nickname for Jaden and he is the only one who calls her that.


 “Please Scags you did say we deserve an award for being the only kids who showed up.” I said as sweetly as possible. 


“You should not get candy because first of all you did not win it and second of all you have won candy the last three weeks.” Scags said in a mad and strict voice.


 “Please!” we all said …


 “You know what, you can have candy, but on one condition, you have to split it with a partner.” exclaimed Scags because he knows that we all want some sort of lollipop. Scags always tries to be strict but he eventually gives in. 


“No, we get our own.” said Jaden in an extremely sassy voice.


 “How about you get none.” said Scags.


“WE GET OUR OWN!!” screamed Jaden which made Loren, Maya, and I laugh.


“We will share!” I said because I knew that this conversation would go back and forth like a seesaw because Jaden is a persistent person especially when she can make people laugh. For example last week Jaden was faking her throws to Scags and it made me almost pee my pants. 


 Off we went running in the rain to the magical shed of candy wonders.  


“Race ya!” I screamed. Jaden got there first then me then Maya and then Loren. 


“Can I go first?” Maya asked.


“Not a chance STRIKER” said Scags. Striker is Scags nickname for Maya. Jaden tried to pick first but was taking to long because she could not stop laughing about her conversation with Scags so Scags told Jaden that she was taking to long so I got to go.


“I want – BEEP BEEP.” honked my mom’s car horn completely interrupting my train of thought. “How rude” I thought. My mom had come to pick Maya and I up because by now it was pouring. I did not want to leave and I could tell maya did not want to leave either because we were having so much fun so I said,


 “Can we get our candy before we go?” I said while thinking about how I should stall so I can stay.


“Sure” said my mom not knowing what she was agreeing to.


“Um……Um……..Um” I said in my best I can’t decide voice.


“Hurry up!” my mom screamed from our car. My plan had backfired, my mom meant business.


“I want peanut m&ms but I have no one to share them with.” I said in a voice that was telling Scags to give it to me and only me. Then my mom offered to share them with me which convinced Scags to give them to me. 


“Thank you” I said as sweetly as possible once again. I didn’t want Scags to change his mind.


After Maya got her candy we ran across the softball field to go grab our stuff. By the time we got to our stuff we were all laughing hysterically because we were soaking wet and because Scags had agreed just because we said please and begged. 


“Everyone hop into my car!” yelled my mom. We ran to her car at the speed of light. After that Loren and Jaden called their parents to tell them to pick them up from softball.


“Zoe, give me some m&ms.” said my mom who was serious when she said we would share.


 “I didn’t think she was actually gonna eat any.” I whispered to Maya.


“Ha Ha!” said Maya.  Truth hurts was the song we were listening to while we waited, it is my favorite song. We all sang along until Loren and Jaden’s moms picked them up. Then we dropped Maya off and drove home.


My mom let out a sound of relief, finally we were home. “Home sweet home.” my mom said. “She always says that” I thought.


“I’m exhausted” I said.


 “Same.” said my mother. “Just one more day done” I thought, “Just one more day do-zzzzzzzzzz.” just like that the world went black. That night I dreamed about the world raining candy and Scags collecting it to give to us.

2 Responses

  1. clee27 at |

    Your story was great, I really liked the part where you didn’t actually think that you would have to share with your mom!!!

    1. Caroline at |

      Me too


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