Capstone #2 Main Inquiry Question

The main inquiry question I chose was, how does google affect our daily lives? I had a lot of trouble choosing my main inquiry question.  At first, I thought that we just needed the topic. Google is such a broad topic that it was hard to narrow it down.  I did not know where to stop. Once we had our main inquiry question, I thought we were done BUT no.  It turns out we needed five sub-questions to go under our main inquiry question.  At the beginning of the process of selecting and writing my sub-questions, we made a random document on google drive.  We first had to come up with sub-questions.  We were required to have two or three but I wrote seven.  I brought them up to my teacher and she said that she liked all of them except for, Has google lived up to its promises? My teacher thought that was simply a yes or no question but I respectfully disagree because you could support that questions with examples to prove or disprove your yes or no question. I found choosing the sub question easier than choosing a main inquiry question but when I came to the conclusion that 3 of my sub questions are either an opinion question or is too broad. Once I found this out coming up with 3 more sub questions was very difficult but when I was typing on my Google Chromebook in Google Drive I realized right there are 2 more sub questions. The overall experience of choosing subquestions was a long and hard process but I pulled through and I am excited to move on to a new step in capstone

3 thoughts on “Capstone #2 Main Inquiry Question

  1. Nice job Zach! I liked how described how you chose your main inquiry question and sub-questions.

  2. Nice job. I like how you explained how you came to choose your main inquiry question and your sub questions. Same thing as Tyler.

  3. I agree with the fact that the process is long and frustrating, but you got through it, and if you didn’t, then…you’d be, well, BEHIND.

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