Capstone #6 Working on Final Project

This was not the easiest process, as a matter of fact it was the hardest. From the immense time working on the script to the small time working on the presentation in the crazy heat waves this process was much harder than I had anticipated. In the beginning, I was super excited because I was coming upon the last stretch of my  capstone project. The most difficult part so far has been memorizing my script and cutting it down so that it is under 8 minutes. It times like right now when I am regretting not doing a Ignite presentation or a movie.  I felt compelled to choose the most challenging one.  Hopefully, it will help me later on in life.  The reason why I feel memorizing my script is the hardest is because there are a lot of details that are hard to remember.  Some examples are the numbers, statistics and order of the slides.  I hope presenting this will be much easier than writing and memorizing this.  I feel a little bit nervous to present but excited at the same time.  While I was going over my script, I realized that this is similar to memorizing my toy theatre script in fourth grade.  While this has been quite a process, I am very excited about the presentation and hope I present well!

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