Rocketry Blog Post #3

For our second rocket my group decided to make our fins skinnier and taller so that more air will push of the sides and it will put less weight on the rocket.


When we were designing our second rocket it was pretty easy because we already had lots of experience from our first rocket. So all we really had to do for the second rocket was pick new colors and change the fins so that they  were taller. Some things that went well were designing the rocket because we were all agreeing on all the suggestions. Some things that were challenging was figuring out what we should change.


Building our second rocket was even more fun than building our first rocket because we already new most of the steps. When we actually started building the rockets everything was pretty easy. We flew through the wrapping and taping but then came the hard part deciding on the fin size. For example, how tall should it be? or how skinny should it be? We eventually decided  on one size.


Since we had some experience with I think my grouped worked better together on the second  rocket than on our first rocket. Because everything was easier to do so we weren’t disagreeing on what and how to do things. 

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