Rocketry Blog Post #4

After we built our second rocket it was time to launch again! I was pretty surprised when the clinometer readers said we got 43 degrees in the air. Since we had to tape our nose cone on last minute my group was a little worried that they will fall off the rocket. I think that the rest of the class did really well on there launches. My job for the launch was the launcher. It  was a little nerve racking because in order for the rocket to go in the air I had to press the button. I was a clinometer reader for one of the other groups. Sometimes being a clinometer reader can be hard because it’s hard to tell when the rockets last point will be. I think my group did much better on the second launch than the first because we had more experience.


After the launch we had to convert 43 degrees into feet after the launched. My group got 121 feet.  Which was better and higher than our 1st  rocket hopefully for the next one we can get higher. For rocket #3 my team is going to change our nose and make it taller and pointier so more air will slide off the side so that the rocket goes higher and faster.


During the launch my team worked well together because after the first launch we knew what to do and we got through everything faster and no won got annoyed that it was taking forever and know one was fighting over what or what not to do. When it was time to convert our rocket into feet we had some disagreements because three people had the same number but one person disagreed but, majority rules. Overall I think the launch went pretty well and I think my grouped worked great together.


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