For the third rocket my group changed our nose cone. We made it taller and pointier so more air will push of the side when the rocket’s in the air. We thought this would be better than a shorter nose cone.
When we were designing our third rocket it was pretty easy cause we kept the same body and fins and we just had to make a taller nose cone. One thing that was hard was figuring out how to make the nose cone taller we eventually decided that we were going to make two nose cones and tape them together to make a taller nose cone. I think that making the nose cone was a good Idea because another group made a tall nose cone and there rocket went the highest.
During the building phase we easily put everything together we rolled and taped the body and we use the same fin template as last time. So then we had our fins and body when it was time to make the nose cone we made two of them it was kinda hard to taped them together because they kept coming apart but we eventually we got it and we glued are fins on the body and taped the nose cone on the body we glued the tip and we had finished.
During the design phase my group did pretty well we had our normal disagreement and same with the building. One person wanted to change the rocket completely and make the body smaller but they got outvoted. So overall we did pretty well on building and designing and I am excited to launch again.