Technology post circuits

This week in technology we had to make a parallel circuit. Pretty much we had to make some led lights turn on by connecting wires to a breadboard and make sure the jumper cables were connected. It was actually a pretty cool project because it was small but we got some led light to turn  on. But it was actually hard because if you put the negative and positive wires on the battery together it would make the battery start smoking and be dead. We had too make sure that the the jumper cables were parallel with the negative and positive wires otherwise they light would turn on. You also didn’t want the led light to explode.

Technology Blog Post #1 adhesives

In school we started a new quarter called technology with our teacher were very week we do a different project about it. This week since it was the first we just worked and learned about some adhesives like glue. We learned that some glues have short and long set times which is how much time until its fully dry and wont fall apart. For example hot glues set time is pretty short because it dry very fast fully but other glues like Elmer’s could take overnight to fully dry and be completely dry with no risk of falling off. Technology class seems fun and I’m excited to do more cool projects.

Playgrounds Coding

In out computer tech class we have stopped working with tynker and have started a new coding platform called Playgrounds. Playgrounds is a very fun place to code and it is very different for example in playgrounds we type the code worth cute little characters but in tynker we use code blocks. The most recent thing I did was writing my own code with SHOW commands and LET commands to help me make a conversation.

that is the code I wrote starting with your favorite sport and ending with asking to have a sleepover. It was very fun to make this because i got to customize everything i wrote. It was also challenging because sometimes there were bugs in the code and it was hard to figure out were i went wrong.

Tynker and All About Me Projects

In the tynker app I have been working on Loops and Animation in programming 201. So far it has been pretty fun because i can do all sorts of things and build all sorts of new characters. But mostly at the beginning it was very hard to figure hoe to navigate the app or how to code and use blocks to move characters. I like that a tynker lets me be creative and explore all kinds of new things.


My all about me project it tells you about some basic things about me for example my favorite color or my favorite foos and animal. I tried to make my project fun and cool. I used an actor that I tried to make look like me and some animals and object to show or represent what I like. When I started the project I thought it would be easy but it turns out it actually was a bit difficult.

Martin Luther King blog post

Martin Luther king jr. day is Monday January 20th 2020. It is the day we celebrate everything he did for our country, we also celebrate his life. Most people get off from work and school to honor him for one day. He had many great achievements.  I think MLK was a great man and did so much for the country. I made a timeline with some of the most important things in his life here it is…


Date Event
January 5th 1929 MLK was born in Atlanta
September 20th 1944 He enrolled at Morehouse college
February 25th 1948

June 8th 1948

September 14th 1948

Ordained and becomes assistant pastor at his father’s church.

Graduates Morehouse college with a  bachelor’s degree in sociology
Enters Crozer Theological seminary in Chester pa.
January 1952 Meets Coretta Scott in Boston
June 18th 1953 Married Coretta Scott in Marion Atlanta
December 5th 1955 Named president of the Montgomery improvement society
January 30th 1956 His home was bombed when he was at a meeting
January 10th 1957 

May 18th 1957

Named chairman of the SCLC

Delivers his first national address “give us a ballot” at the Lincoln memorial 
September 20th 1958 Stabbed by a mentally ill woman with a letter opener 
February 1st 1960

October 19th 1960

Moves to Montgomery to focus on civil rights struggles.

King is arrested 
December 16 1961 King and many others are arrested in desegregation campaign in alabama
August 28th 1963

April 16th 1963

I have a dream speech

He writes his famous letter from Birmingham jail.
December 10th 1964 Wins Nobel peace prize
August 12th 1965 Gives his first speech about the Vietnam war


Date Event
January 5th 1929 MLK was born in Atlanta
September 20th 1944 He enrolled at Morehouse college
February 25th 1948

June 8th 1948

September 14th 1948

Ordained and becomes assistant pastor at his father’s church.

Graduates Morehouse college with a  bachelor’s degree in sociology
Enters Crozer Theological seminary in Chester pa.
January 1952 Meets Coretta Scott in Boston
June 18th 1953 Married Coretta Scott in Marion Atlanta
December 5th 1955 Named president of the Montgomery improvement society
January 30th 1956 His home was bombed when he was at a meeting
January 10th 1957 

May 18th 1957

Named chairman of the SCLC

Delivers his first national address “give us a ballot” at the Lincoln memorial 
September 20th 1958 Stabbed by a mentally ill woman with a letter opener 
February 1st 1960

October 19th 1960

Moves to Montgomery to focus on civil rights struggles.

King is arrested 
December 16 1961 King and many others are arrested in desegregation campaign in alabama
August 28th 1963

April 16th 1963

I have a dream speech

He writes his famous letter from Birmingham jail.
December 10th 1964 Wins Nobel peace prize
August 12th 1965 Gives his first speech about the Vietnam war


I especially liked his “I Have a Dream” speech because it was very empowering and his words were amazing. The speech was given on august 28th 1963. It was given in front of the Lincoln Memorial as a symbol of freedom, He talks about what he believes in and is not afraid to speak up. He also repeats I” have a  dream” a lot he says this because again he did many great things and we all love what he did. also without him segragation would still be here and it would be a unfair country.

Rocketry Blog Post #6

I had a lot of fun during our rocketry unit. I really wish it didn’t have to end. I learned a lot but still had lots of fun.


I learned about a lot of different things like the engineering design process and how a rocket works. At first things were complicated because it was the first time we did any of the steps. But we eventually got it. Creating the google slideshow was easy because we already knew how to make it. Actually creating the actual presentation was harder than I thought it was going to be.we had to put a lot of things into the slideshow. Like rocket designs and Images. I am really excited to present in front of our parents because we worked really hard on building, designing,and many other things. 


In the whole unit I enjoyed launching our rockets the most. Because we had worked really hard on building and designing the rocket so when we launched the rocket we were basically watching what we had accomplished and seeing it work. My favorite part of building was making the nose cone because even though it had a lot of steps it was still fun to make. Out of all the jobs that I had my favorite was Rocket Launcher it was really fun listening to the countdown master saying …10- 9 -8 -7 -6 -5 -4 -3- 2- 1 RELEASE!! And then pushing the button and seeing it soaring higher and higher until it came back down to earth. 


I really enjoyed this unit and I had a lot of fun. From  designing our first rocket to launching the last and everything in between and I learned so much everyday. And I  am really excited for the presentation.

Rocketry Blog Post #5

For the third rocket my group changed our nose cone. We made it taller and pointier so more air will push of the side when the rocket’s in the air. We thought this would be better than a shorter nose cone.


When we were designing our third rocket it was pretty easy cause we kept the same body and fins and we just had to make a taller nose cone. One thing that was hard was figuring out how to make the nose cone taller we eventually decided that we were going to make two nose cones and tape them together to make a taller nose cone. I think that making the nose cone was a good Idea because another group made a tall nose cone and there rocket went the highest.


During the building phase we easily put everything together we rolled and taped the body and we use the same fin template as last time. So then we had our fins and body when it was time to make the nose cone we made two of them it was kinda hard to taped them together because they kept coming apart but we eventually we got it and we glued are fins on the body and taped the nose cone on the body  we glued the tip and we had finished.


During the design phase my group did pretty well we had our normal disagreement and same with the building. One person wanted to change the rocket completely and make the body smaller but they got outvoted. So overall we did pretty well on building and designing and I am excited to launch again.

Rocketry Blog Post #4

After we built our second rocket it was time to launch again! I was pretty surprised when the clinometer readers said we got 43 degrees in the air. Since we had to tape our nose cone on last minute my group was a little worried that they will fall off the rocket. I think that the rest of the class did really well on there launches. My job for the launch was the launcher. It  was a little nerve racking because in order for the rocket to go in the air I had to press the button. I was a clinometer reader for one of the other groups. Sometimes being a clinometer reader can be hard because it’s hard to tell when the rockets last point will be. I think my group did much better on the second launch than the first because we had more experience.


After the launch we had to convert 43 degrees into feet after the launched. My group got 121 feet.  Which was better and higher than our 1st  rocket hopefully for the next one we can get higher. For rocket #3 my team is going to change our nose and make it taller and pointier so more air will slide off the side so that the rocket goes higher and faster.


During the launch my team worked well together because after the first launch we knew what to do and we got through everything faster and no won got annoyed that it was taking forever and know one was fighting over what or what not to do. When it was time to convert our rocket into feet we had some disagreements because three people had the same number but one person disagreed but, majority rules. Overall I think the launch went pretty well and I think my grouped worked great together.


Rocketry Blog Post #3

For our second rocket my group decided to make our fins skinnier and taller so that more air will push of the sides and it will put less weight on the rocket.


When we were designing our second rocket it was pretty easy because we already had lots of experience from our first rocket. So all we really had to do for the second rocket was pick new colors and change the fins so that they  were taller. Some things that went well were designing the rocket because we were all agreeing on all the suggestions. Some things that were challenging was figuring out what we should change.


Building our second rocket was even more fun than building our first rocket because we already new most of the steps. When we actually started building the rockets everything was pretty easy. We flew through the wrapping and taping but then came the hard part deciding on the fin size. For example, how tall should it be? or how skinny should it be? We eventually decided  on one size.


Since we had some experience with I think my grouped worked better together on the second  rocket than on our first rocket. Because everything was easier to do so we weren’t disagreeing on what and how to do things. 

rocketry blog post #1

In school we are doing our rocketry unit. We have finished our first rocket and launch. My team’s name is “The Rocketeers.” There was a lot of research in order to build and launch our rockets. Each group made inspiration boards which had things like quotes, images and research. At first, my group just wanted to go right ahead and start designing our rocket, but before we could do any of that there was a lot of research involved. I am glad that we did research because if we did not we probably would not have a good rocket that went really high.


Designing our rocket took time.  We all had to decide on one design.  We had a lot of disagreements, but a lot of agreements. We eventually took a vote to decide on the one we were going to make. We had to start experimenting with different wing sizes, nose cones and body shapes.  We ended up with 3 by 3 inch wings and a small but pointy nose cone and for the body we had to choose a pvc pipe so we chose the skinnier tube to wrap the paper around. When we had everything planned we started building the rocket.


Building our first rocket took some time. When we first started building our rocket it seemed pretty easy, but when we tried rolling the paper over the tube it was actually harder than it looked, but when we did get it we had to tape it together which was pretty easy. Then we had to make a nose cone out of paper by folding  it and cutting halfway and then rolling the paper to be a cone. Also, we made a fin template to trace on cardboard. Finally we cut them out and glued the fins on the body and taped on the nose cone and… we had a rocket!


I think that my group worked really well together. We had our ups and downs but we eventually came to an agreement.  For example, on our first rocket two people wanted a green body but two people wanted a blue body, so we came to a compromise which was a blue nose cone and a green body.  Overall I think my group worked really well and I am glad I am in this group.