Catapult building

This week in technology class we got to build something so fun catapults!! When we built the catapults we want to be able to pull the base down and when we realest an object flies out I used a penny. So the first thing we did was get popsicles sticks a bottle cape and some rubber bands seems pretty simple. Here’s what i used

– 12 popsicle sticks

– 3 rubber bands

– 1 bottle cap

– some masking tape

– one penny


and that was it so i fist started by stacking popsicle stick and rubber banded Thames together and then i took 1 stick on top of the stack and rubber banded it to create the pull back and resales effect and lastly a taped on the bottle cap. And after that of course I had to test it so I put a penny in the cap and it actually went pretty far and me and my sister had so much fun making games with it. I think this was probably my favorite project in this class.

Truss building

In technology class this week we had to build a structure and see how many books it could hold up. But they catch is it had to be made with toothpicks… and… CARROTS. Like what are you supposed to do with that anyway to make sure the structure could hold up at least 1 book we used trusses which is a triangle;e shape used in structures to keep them strong for example a lot of times bridges have trusses to support a lot of wight so i made a cube with triangles in it and create da video. Ic pundit believe it my structure held up 9 books yes 9 i was surprised too  what triangles could really do they must be really strong. But overall it was a really fun project that i enjoyed.