WTP: Bill of Rights by Adam Lambert

I think that the most important right for a citizen to have in a free country is the right of free press because then if the government is treating the country unfairly the whole country will know and they can rise up if necessary. Also this could lead to other changes through protest and other methods of convincing the government to change and add laws.

 I think that the most important right for a student to have is the right of freedom of speech because they are the next generation and they need to be able to make changes now and in the future without being silenced. 

I think all citizens should have the same rights because then there are no oppressed groups preventing revolution and it would increase the reputation of the country by making other countries feel welcome and this could potentially increase global trade.

The rights that we don’t have that I think we should have are changing the 2nd amendment so that automatic weapons are illegal but hunting rifles that fire darts that can stun at most are allowed and all Military funds are released annually to the public.  I think the Government should release all of there military founds so that the public knows what there money is being used for.

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