Rube Goldberg – Post 4

Hello everyone,

Last week my group didn’t get a lot of time to work on our project so tomorrow we are all meeting up to get some stuff done. In the meantime  I have been making a couple of paths to make sure everything stays and goes in the right direction. I was also making sure things were stable by putting pressure on it to see if it stayed up.

I also watched some helpful videos to see how they made them so I could get an idea for mine. Also so I could see what the process was like and how many fails and successes we should do. I think about 6 fails and 1-2 successes.

My group and I have been finding items and materials to make our Rube Goldberg project. We used a lot of card bored, balls, plastic water bottles, etc.

Tomorrow we are going to put together the pieces and test it out to see how it works. I’m so exited!

1 Comment on Rube Goldberg – Post 4

  1. ngehlmann25
    February 25, 2018 at 8:53 pm (7 years ago)

    Were the videos you watched helpful?
    Do you think you will need more tests to make sure it works? Have you thought about other materials you might use?
    Good luck on tomorrow’s testing!


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