Rube Goldberg – Post 2

Hello everyone,

Now that I’ve figured out what my task is going to be for my Rube Goldberg, we have to decide what we want to do for the steps leading up to our final task.

My group and I have come up with some ideas. We made a sketch of most of our plan, (we didn’t finish it yet) and we found some of the items that will be used to make the machine.

Once we finished the sketch we weren’t sure if typing a key was the easiest thing to do. We started thinking that pressing a button would be easier. Then Emma found out a easier way to type a key and we decided that we should do that. The next thing in the process is building the actual machine, I’m so exited!

This is a picture of the sketch we made:



1 Comment on Rube Goldberg – Post 2

  1. ngehlmann25
    February 25, 2018 at 8:39 pm (7 years ago)

    I like how the sketch shows each step. It sounds like your team is thinking through everything.
    Good luck!


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