Rube Goldberg – Post 6

Hello everybody,

Yesterday my group met again to work on our project. We got a lot of work done but then my dad came to pick me and my friend Karine upĀ  from Emma’s house and he gave us an idea. He said that we should start from super high up and get lower as we go. We were going to start high then go straight then go a little bit down hill. We liked his idea so we broke everything and we’re going to restart on Friday.

On Friday we are going to rebuild it, then we will test it out until it works, then we will start working on our I Movie. We will probably take time in school to work on our movie because we don’t have much more time to meet.

I am so stressed out because the whole thing including the video is due Wednesday. I hope it works.

1 Comment on Rube Goldberg – Post 6

  1. ngehlmann25
    February 25, 2018 at 8:59 pm (7 years ago)

    Did you try using different balls other than the tennis ball and marble? Or putting them in different places? I found in my project that the weight of the object at the end had to be heavy but could easily be moved


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