Spanish Class
Today in Spanish class we did a reflection on our screencast (the screencast will be down below). The reflection was about how you think you did and what you learned while doing it.
1: ¿Qué nuevo vocabulario usaste?
– que hora es
-clase de
-education fisica
-veintinueve y treinta y cinco
2: ¿Qué nuevas preguntas usaste?
-que hora es
-¿A qué hora es la clase de inglés?
-¿A qué hora es la clase de matemáticas?
3: How would you grade your work on this Screencast? (sobresaliente = A) (notable = B)
4: After listening to your screencast what words do you feel you could have practiced more? Quiero practicar las palabras ………
5: How could you use this new vocabulary outside of Spanish class?
I could speak in spanish to my babysitter because she is fluent.