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Rube Goldberg – Post 6

Hello everybody,

Yesterday my group met again to work on our project. We got a lot of work done but then my dad came to pick me and my friend Karine up  from Emma’s house and he gave us an idea. He said that we should start from super high up and get lower as we go. We were going to start high then go straight then go a little bit down hill. We liked his idea so we broke everything and we’re going to restart on Friday.

On Friday we are going to rebuild it, then we will test it out until it works, then we will start working on our I Movie. We will probably take time in school to work on our movie because we don’t have much more time to meet.

I am so stressed out because the whole thing including the video is due Wednesday. I hope it works.

Rube Goldberg – Post 5

Hello everyone,

Yesterday we met to build our full machine and it totally didn’t work out.  The dominoes kept falling over and when we tried it out it didn’t get nearly as much momentum as it did last time. We realized that the toilet paper roll bent in the bag so it wasn’t rolling the right direction.  Then if the toilet paper hit the tennis ball, it would hit it really lightly and the tennis ball would’t even hit the marble . The on the other side the cardboard wall wouldn’t stay up so we had to use a metal wall instead. Then the dominoes wouldn’t hit the wall hard enough so we had to have to dominoes hit a play dough container and that will hit the wall.

The only thing good that happened was we finished building the whole machine.

This is the video of us failing:

Rube Goldberg – Post 4

Hello everyone,

Last week my group didn’t get a lot of time to work on our project so tomorrow we are all meeting up to get some stuff done. In the meantime  I have been making a couple of paths to make sure everything stays and goes in the right direction. I was also making sure things were stable by putting pressure on it to see if it stayed up.

I also watched some helpful videos to see how they made them so I could get an idea for mine. Also so I could see what the process was like and how many fails and successes we should do. I think about 6 fails and 1-2 successes.

My group and I have been finding items and materials to make our Rube Goldberg project. We used a lot of card bored, balls, plastic water bottles, etc.

Tomorrow we are going to put together the pieces and test it out to see how it works. I’m so exited!

Rube Goldberg – Post 3

Hello everyone,

Now that my group finished with the sketch we gathered supplies and we started to test out the machine. My teacher let us work on our project during recess because we all have complicated schedules so it’s hard for us to get together. We worked on making a couple things but mostly we just tried stuff out. We had a lot of fails but we also found a way to make it work and then it worked almost every time. Last night Emma and Karine came to my house to work on the project and make/find some of the items that we will use. I had so much fun try stuff out and building part of the machine. I’m so exited to finish it and to see how it turns out in the end.

Here is a video of us failing:

Here is a video of us succeeding.

Rube Goldberg – Post 2

Hello everyone,

Now that I’ve figured out what my task is going to be for my Rube Goldberg, we have to decide what we want to do for the steps leading up to our final task.

My group and I have come up with some ideas. We made a sketch of most of our plan, (we didn’t finish it yet) and we found some of the items that will be used to make the machine.

Once we finished the sketch we weren’t sure if typing a key was the easiest thing to do. We started thinking that pressing a button would be easier. Then Emma found out a easier way to type a key and we decided that we should do that. The next thing in the process is building the actual machine, I’m so exited!

This is a picture of the sketch we made:



Rube Goldberg – Post 1

Hello everyone,

A few days ago my class started working on a new science project, we’re making Rube Goldberg machines. Our teacher showed us some videos of people doing Rube Goldberg machines so we would get an idea of what to do. A Rube Goldberg machine is basically a chain reaction that’s really complicated but it does a really simple task.

First we picked partners or groups. I’m doing mine with my friends Emma and Karine. Then we made a shared doc that we could write some of our ideas on. Next thought of what to do for our task, we came up with four ideas:

-flushing a toilet

-turning on a light

-typing a key on a computer

-pressing an easy button

We realized that typing a key on the computer would be the easiest thing to do. I think my group works really well together and we have so much fun.

Book Clubs: The War With Grandpa – Jot 2

I think Peter is starting to feel bad for grandpa and sad that he started the whole war. Peter is starting to realize that his grandpa is a great guy. He is also realizing that it’s not grandpas fault that he took Peters room. I think he’s realizing all of this because he’s having a great time with his grandpa going fishing and grandpa is being so nice to him. I think he is also remembering when he was little and that he played with his grandpa all the time. He’s remembering how much fun they used to have together. Maybe he’s thinking that the war is a bad idea because he wants to have fun and play like he and his grandpa used to.

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