#4 Interview
Hello everyone,
One of the requirements for Capstone is an interview. As you know, I am doing interior design. Yesterday I interview a lady named Laurie Scovotti. I think that I got a lot of good information from her because some of the answers were unexpected and I think that is really good because then I have different opinions.
I think that the interview went really well because two of my sub questions were hard to research and she went into a deeper explanation about those questions and I found that, that was really helpful.
I think that might interview another person but just a couple of questions that I can’t find that much research on. I think that I got much more research out of it then I thought I would but maybe if I have a question that Laurie can’t answer or I already asked her and I need a new opinion I will text another interior designer.
Overall I think that my interview was really helpful and she gave me a lot of useful information.