Yesterday I left early from school to do my interview. As you may know, my topic is on sleep so I went to a sleep section of a hospital in Stamford. She was the office manager of the sleep section.Her name was Lauren something, She specialized in helping sleeping disorders. After I asked all my questions she offered to show me how they treat people with certain problems and she told me some sleep disorders. After that, since I was asking lots of questions she showed me how they diagnosed peoples problems have. She showed me this confusing paper that tracked somebody who had sleep apnea. This is a bad sleeping problem where you stop breathing consistently and you don’t get sleep because your brain is focusing to make your body breath. It also tracks if they snore because snoring is actually not a healthy to do unless it could just be you have a stuffy nose. I liked this interview because all of her answers made me spark new questions that I will ask for my next interview. This interview also made me want to research more. Overall I learned a lot and this will help boost my presentation a lot. Please look at my interview post.