Today we did a thing called nerdy derby. This is a thing where one builds a car and races it against other cars that people made.In this Curious on the Hudson came in to do this hands-on maker project. The first step to doing this was thinking about how the wheels would work and attaching them to wood. I was working with max on this and we decided that since the course had a starting ramp and then a hill to go up we would make our car heavy to get a good start. Mak and I also put a straw on ours to make in aerodynamic.Threw this process we had to make sure we made it equal weight.This will help us so our cars don’t make turns. We also thought about ways to make it look good without ruining the cars.During the races I lost to at the start then added a cork to make it heavy, I also put paper clips on it to balance out the weight. After this, I won A good amount. FYI Max and I did not make the same car.