
This is a project about Hurricanes. We talk about it in an ignite style, This style is just a way to inform people about something that you know, but the slides automatically switch every fifteen seconds. You have two slides in total so for all it is thirty seconds. How you should share the project is also their saying, “enlighten us, but quick.”

It started when our teacher told us our group. I was chosen to be in the hurricane group. After that we would get together in a group and discuss what subtopic would we teach. The subtopic we could teach where the cause, effects, prevention and safety, how they are measured, and the important events. I chose to do the cause. After we did that, our teacher let us research a bit. We only had around ten minutes to research, but I was able to get a full page. If I’m being honest I would say research was the best for me.

Day two was around the same. The only thing that changed was that we didn’t need to discuss what we where doing as a subtopic. We would have forty minutes to research. I got a page and a half done. I knew from this point on each day would be a page more of research.

Day three all the way to the last day of research all stayed the same I got a page of research in for every day. We would get the twenty five to forty minutes of research in. That would help a lot for the people who were having a hard time researching. It would help them get extra time since it was hard for them to get research in. And for the people like me it helped us get six to eight pages of research.

The next two weeks or so were one of the hardest. We had to take all our research, and put it in a script. This script is where we would put what we would say and what the people watching would see. We started by just putting around ten sentences or around two paragraphs. We would then put the most important parts of the sentences in the script. After that was almost the most important part of the project, it was time to start timing what we would actually say. This part was a huge step in the entire thing because if you could not get a clean timing (around 1 second under or over was fine but it being right on time would be better) You’re whole group what start to have bad times.

After we finished the timing we started to practice the real thing. We would make a google slide show, and add in the photos we wanted on our slides. After that we would go back to the google slide show and add the photos we wanted. We would practice that multiple times. The way we knew we were on time was when we started the practice we would click these three dots that would auto play the slide show each fifteen seconds.

After we practiced the slide show individually we would go back to our group and practice as a group. Our tech teacher helped a lot, he got the entire slide show together from all of our small slide shows. I feel that without him most of this project would have been really hard. him doing that allowed us to actually practice as a group without needing to switch laptops every thirty seconds. After he got the slide show together we never practiced individually anymore. Instead we would always work as a group. I think this was smart because this allowed us to see what was good from other peoples slides and add that to our slides. After around two sessions of practicing in groups we would start to practice with people watching. Those people watching was our teacher and our classmates. This helped us gain a feel for how it was with a real audience.

We did that almost until the real day of the project. A Friday before the real project we went to where we would actually present what we had done for those five weeks or so. It was great to know where we where going, because it gave me an extra feel for how this project would go and the layout for it. This helped a lot because I was able to gain trust that I was going to do well. I always thought I would do well but the fact of just being there helped me gain even more trust.

Now it was time for the real thing. It was the day of the project. The day started almost right after my teacher knew everyone was there. We then proceeded to go where we would share the project. Our tech teacher and regular teacher told us instructions on where to enter leave and a bit more of the layout. After we had a few minutes and we started to present. It started with my teacher and my tech teacher explaining the process. My teacher talked about the unit, and my tech teacher talked about how we made the project. After he would start the slide show and after it turned to the second slide it was my groups turn to show our project. It started by someone in my group explaining what we would talk about and our names. We called that the introduction. I was doing the conclusion. After that I would start speaking. My first slide was a bit over, but when it needed to switch to the next person’s slides it was really good timing. The same time I finished it switched. I feel this made me supper happy because I thought I would not get it spot on. Then the rest of my group spoke. I feel everybody in my group did a great job. Most of ours were greatly timed and the girl who struggled the entire time did it very well. I then did my conclusion. I was a bit under but the girl who went before me was a bit under so I feel that it would cancel out.


Thank you for reading this. If you want to see the final video here it is.