First Week of School

My first week of school was amazing! We did so much fun stuff, and we found out some cool things for the year that we will do! Some of those things are the Bedford Rope Course, or maybe the Halloween Party. That is just some of the many plans that excite me for this year. If that sounds interesting to you then this blog post is for you!

Something I really enjoyed was the 20 x 9 challenge, because it was a struggle for me. I like that because I truly had to think about what the answer was. That was fun because sometimes in math I don’t feel like that way. Also I tried it with my family so I was able to see different views and different ways to do the problem. That’s something that my family and I don’t do often. Also I love math in general so anything related to math I like. That’s why the 20 x 9 challenge was very fun and hard for me.

I really enjoyed the index card challenge. This was fun to me because I was able to work with others to find a common goal. You might be wondering, what is that goal? The goal is to make the tallest tower with only index cards! This was fun because we could not use anything else, that made us really think differently. The most important part about the challenge was probably how you folded the index cards. We started off with a strategy of folding it then putting a layer on top sort of how you would do with playing cards. We realized we couldn’t get it that stable so we switched up our idea. We took inspiration from many, and I mean many tables! The biggest strategy we found that also worked best was to build a square base then layer then repeat. That strategy worked well for our table and many others. In the end I would estimate that our tower was around 2 feet. Keep in mind all the index cards layered on top of one another might have been 4 inches. That’s also why I felt really happy with how we did the challenge. That is why the Index Card challenge was fun.

I really enjoyed the Square challenge because I had a tremendous amount of trouble! I liked it because I like when things are difficult, especially when it’s math (except if it’s a test). The Square challenge is played by making a perfect square with the pisces you were given. Also the pisces could not overlap so that made it extra difficult. You started out with some irregular pisces and some normal shapes. With those pisces you had to make a perfect square. This was the easier part of the two, and easier is an understatement, It was a lot easier! I had struggled a bit with the first part but I was able to do it fairly easily. The second part to this challenge was the fact that they gave you another smaller square to do the square with now. This might sound easy but trust me it was not. First I tried some ways to do it, keep in mind I was never doing it in a different orientation. After a bit I did realize that maybe it would work if I did it in different orientations, spoiler alert I failed miserably… After around 1 week I am hard stuck. I have no clue how some of my classmates did it and I was thinking about just giving up. Then around 2 weeks after the first time I tried this I got it! It was super annoying but I got the left side of the square and then I just put the other pieces and put them in any order. That is why the square challenge was fun.

I’m looking forward to the Bedford Rope Course Trip. I am excited because we will only ever go once, Also, I remember my older brothers got canceled so I know nothing about the trip. Finally, I love rock climbing and doing obstacle courses, but I don’t go often so I love it when we go to obstacle courses. Also, I love doing any physical activities, and that makes the Bedford ropes trip even better. So that’s why I think the Bedford Ropes Trip will be very fun.

There are many things I am excited about for fifth grade, like the Bedford Ropes Trip. Also, there was some stuff I had a lot of fun doing like the 20 x 9 Challenge. But that is just some of it. I think it is going to be very fun to do and am excited for it. The only thing I’m thinking of though is am I still going to be excited for it when it comes. If you were going to do this would you be as excited as I am?