Animal Senses Movie

The WeVideo process started with a 30 second video of clips and information to experience what we would do later.

 After we researched and wrote down about 3 to 6 packets. After that we did the real deal. We made a new WeVideo and started putting clips or photos that would add to the information.

 We had options ranging from 30 seconds, 45 seconds, and 60 seconds. After we were done making and recording our videos we would send it to are tech teacher and they would put it on YouTube.

 If I could change anything I would have probably changed using videos from WeVideo, to looking at the web to get images and videos. That would be the only thing.

What was challenging for me was the research. It was hard to find information about monkeys in general. They would mostly talk about Apes, Chimps, and gorillas.

What went well for me was the actual video its self. I was good at finding images and photos for my video. Also most of the photos and videos I found were able to help me support my information.

Overall I feel I did a good job, I also feel some information was really solid. And some could be better.



If you would like to see the finished product of the movie click this link below.