Persuasive Essay

The persuasive essay process was not hard. It started with research. I did research on why we should save the rainforest. I said the rainforest plants and animals, and the rainforest itself could. I researched for around two days or so. It was not hard and I got two pages of research from it. After that I would start to put my research into sentence form. This process was not hard and I finished very quickly. It was done in just one session of writing! After I did that I would do a introduction and a conclusion. I got them done and then started the second most important step, a rough draft. I took a long time to finish the rough draft compared to the other steps. This part took me around 3 days. After I did that i would work on the actual piece of writing. For this part I needed to mainly just copy the work I already did. It was simple I barley even needed to add anything. This whole process took a while. And I enjoyed it because I was able to always know that sometime during the day, I would be able to work on something I enjoyed to work on. Overall this project was very fun to work on and each time I had the chance to go back and write a bit more, felt amazing because I knew that meant I got one step closer to finishing.