Science Unit Reflection

This science unit was about motion energy. It was very interesting and I enjoyed it a lot. I think it helped me understand better how friction and energy works.

Motion energy moves and changes by force or by getting hit. For example if a baseball player swings the force from the hit transfers to the ball and gives the ball motion energy.

speed affects motion energy because the more speed means more motion energy produced this helps a ball or an american football go farther with more force.

Friction causes moving objects to slow down. For example on earth a baseball needs a lot of motion energy to go four hundred feet because of the germs in the air and wind. In space since there is no wind and germs (friction) right after it enters space it goes on forever.

We can protect our heads in a collision by wearing a helmet. It helps because it will be able to take the hit when you fall to the ground.

I liked working in a group. It was fun that I could share my ideas with a group. The only thing I did not like was that I had to do almost all of the work. For most of the time, I would need to build it and sometimes drop what we needed to drop while timing it. so most of the time I had to multitask.

I liked working with the materials, but I would change that we could not use aluminum foil. I think we really needed it because it would have helped us protect our egg in the egg drop lesson.

My favorite lesson was the egg drop challenge. It was really fun because we had to think of a way to protect our egg. It was also really fun because we were able to use materials we had not used the entire unit.

What I learned about motion energy is that it can vary. It is very cool how it can go from very slow to millions of miles per hour just based on how much speed and weight is used. Overall I think I will be using this sometime or another.