In my district at the end of 5th grade, the students make a final project, called Capstone. Every student can choose a topic to research. I am really excited about capstone! I love researching new things, and Capstone is a great way to do that.
The process of coming up with a topic was not easy. I was stuck between two options, The struggles of women in science and Fashion trends and why they changed? I ended up choosing The struggles of women in science. I chose it because I thought I could find more research on it and it sounded intriguing.
After I came up with my topic it was time to come up with a main inquiry question, which is a question I will focus on. At first, I was thinking of doing, How were women in science impacted by the way they were treated when they were young and when they became a scientist? But I spoke with Mrs. Cooper (my teacher) and we agreed to make some changes to the question. My final question is, What obstacles did women in the field of science face and how did it impact their careers?
The sub-questions were easy after I had my main question down. I had already made sub-questions with my old question. But I changed only a few. For example, I changed who treated the women badly? To, How did schools/education present obstacles? I found a grove and slowly came up with more ways to edit.
In Conclusion, I am really excited to start and keep researching!