I had a lot of trouble picking my topic for my feature article. At first, I was going to do my favorite ski mountain. But I thought that I did not have enough things to teach about it. I wrote Epcot on my list but I didn’t think too much of it and brainstormed more ideas. When I could not think of any more I just chose Epcot, and to be completely honest, I chose it because it was easy. My message came to me as soon as I had chosen Epcot as my topic. Why Epcot is forgotten. But when I was talking with my teacher, she told me it need a little more meaning. So together we came up with a new message, Epcot is overlooked. I thought that this was perfect! It said exactly what I was trying to say.
I think that I tried making things sound not so adult-like. I did not want it to sound like I had my older brother write it for me! So whenever I needed to look something up I got the information I wrote it down in my own words, but sometimes that was hard. I had to make sure that everything went together and sounded good.
The hard part about writing my feature article was that I always needed to know if everything was true. The truth was my biggest enemy. I think that I was always worried that I was not going to make the due date. On independent days I was always at band when my class was doing the writing, so I had to catch up. I would go home and keep writing, a lot. I liked writing, but I have never worked so hard to make my writing good. I liked to research, I like to take notes and soak up all of the information. Found the formatting hard. I am not the biggest tech person. I did not like how I had to drag everything at its pace, it hurt my hand.
I am most proud of the way it all turned out. It was a very long process and I am happy that it is all done. I think that I enjoyed the moment, but got a little bored of it in the end. I wanted it to be over now that it is I am very proud of my work.
I liked writing my Narrative a little better than my feature article. I thought that writing my feature article was harder because I had to make sure that everything was true. In my narrative, I could just write down what I remembered. Maybe it was that it took longer to write the feature article than it did to write the narrative. I know that this is not going to be the last writing project, so I am excited for what is to come.