Archive of ‘Technology’ category

Immigration Blog Post #4: Narrating the Spark Video

From taking the information that my teacher, Ms. Edwards shared with my class, I sat down and thought about how to narrate my Dad’s story from when he immigrated from South Africa to America. I am concerned about how I am going to take all the information my Dad shared with me and turn it into a four minute Spark video.

After I interviewed my Dad, I went back and typed up all of the answers to my original 15 questions. Reading through my notes I decided this would help me create a timeline to my Dad’s story. I think this timeline will be very useful when choosing images for my Spark video that will be helpful to the audience. I am looking forward to seeing my Spark video come together.

Immigration Blog Post #3: Preparing the Spark Video

A couple days ago, my class went to the computer lab to learn about a website called Adobe Spark. Adobe Spark is an advanced website for making videos. My class has to make a spark video on the person we interviewed for our immigration project.

From doing my interview, I learned many things that I could put into my video. I am going to put photos of my Dad in South Africa and Chicago in the video. I will also put pictures of my Dads friends and family that he had to leave behind when immigrated to America. I will use the information that I learned at the interview to make the video informational about my Dads immigration journey.

You can customize many things using Adobe Spark video. By customizing things, the video will be very creative. I am so excited to start my Spark video!