Immigration Blog Post #1

The immigration project that I’m working on is about my babysitter, Margarita Bautista. She was very easy to reach and was very excited to answer the questions that I had for her. I love this project so far and can’t wait to work on the video.

When preparing for the interview, I was very stressed because I couldn’t figure out any question to ask. Since my sister also did the same immigration project I asked her for some feedback. Luckily, she helped me with some questions. I was also really nervous because I kept on asking my parents to call her so we could talk. Unfortunately, it took a few days until they actually told her about the project and such. Preparing for the interview was stressful.

Doing the interview was the hardest part. I did it over the phone and I couldn’t understand what Margarita was saying because she only spoke Spanish. I had to get my mother to translate it for me. An interesting thing I learned about Margarita was that she traveled to America with her son and has lived with her son ever since. Another thing that was hard about the interview was that for some of the questions Margarita didn’t give a definitive answer, so I had to delete those questions. I also had trouble writing down the answers to the questions because the phone that I had the translated answers on kept turning off so it was annoying to turn it back on. 

Overall, I really like doing the immigration project because it is fun yet challenging. I hope to do another thing like this sometime soon!

Rube Goldberg Blog Post #2

Now that I have done my Rube Goldberg and finished everything, I feel like it was pretty easy to do. I felt that I was really stressed through out the process because I thought that I wouldn’t finish on time but I did which made me feel a lot better. Also, my design changed a lot too. I didn’t end up going with the steps I originally did, but I liked my new design better because I got my machine to work on the second try. I feel like if I used my regular Rube Goldberg design then it would take many tries to have it work. The new steps to my Rube Goldberg are 1. I let go of a baseball 2. The baseball hits a hammer 3. The hammer hits a softball that is being held up by a wedge 4. The softball hits dominoes 5. The dominoes hit a tennis ball 6. The tennis ball rolls down an inclined plane. 7. The tennis ball hits a piece of wood 8. The piece of wood hits the end of a skateboard 9. The skateboard hits dominoes 10. The dominoes hit and ring a bell. I felt like I was way more confident with the second design than the first one because I could be more successful with my second one.

I learned that even if you fail, you should always try again. You had to keep on trying and remaking your design so that it could be perfect.


My Sketch:


Builder: Me

Camera Man: Me